Universität Passau
68844b Seminar: Crash course in teaching for international lecturers (in English) - Details
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Veranstaltungsnummer 68844b
Semester WiSe 24/25
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 0
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 12
Heimat-Einrichtung LEHRE+
beteiligte Einrichtungen Graduiertenzentrum
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre (ohne Prüfung)

Veranstaltungsort / Veranstaltungszeiten

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This introductory course serves as an initial orientation for new lecturers at the University of Passau.

Part 1
In the first part, we will first orientate ourselves in the organisational structure of the University of Passau. Who are your contact persons for the organisation of teaching and examinations? Which regulations, processes and deadlines apply, which systems are used? Who can help if questions or problems arise?

Part 2
In the second part, you will reflect on your role as a teacher and receive an introduction to the design of learning processes in the context of university didactic learning environments. Initial insights into competence-orientated course planning, practical exercises and a method kit from which you can put together your own ‘tools of the trade’ for the first few weeks should make it easier for you to get started in teaching.

Part 3
Do you have specific questions about organising your courses?
You have the option of making an appointment for didactic counselling before the start of the semester.

As an ideal introduction to the professional development and expansion of your professional teaching skills, we recommend participating in the course: Start in Teaching - Your Introductory Course in Higher Education Didactics.

Learning outcomes:
• Get to know the organisation, systems, contact persons of the teaching and examination organisation as well as counselling
• Reflecting on your (new) role as a teacher or lecturer
• Reflect on your own course planning
• Get to know methods from university didactics

Number of participants:
6 - 12

Credits for the Bavarian University Teaching Certificate (Zertifikat Hochschullehre der bayerischen Universitäten):
2 AE – Area A
1 AE – Area B
1 AE - Area D

Participation fee:
Free of charge for lecturers at the University of Passau and employees of other Bavarian universities in the ProfiLehre Verbund (PLP)

Conditions of participation LEHRE+:

Workshop led by:
Dorothea Will and Ana Katarina Althammer