Lecture: 6219V IoT Security - Details

Lecture: 6219V IoT Security - Details

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General information

Course name Lecture: 6219V IoT Security
Subtitle Security Solutions for the Internet of Things
Course number 6219V
Semester SoSe 24
Current number of participants 241
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Technische Informatik
Courses type Lecture in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
First date Thursday, 18.04.2024 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Room: (ITZ) SR 004
Type/Form In-person lectures
Master Informatik, Module Group “IT-Security and Reliability“ (IT-SecRel)
Master AI Engineering, Module Group “Artifical Intelligence Applications“ (AIA)

Recommended skills:

Basic knowledge relevant to security concepts, such as key generation, secret sharing, authentication, attestation, etc. Basic knowledge of C, Python, or some other programming language. The courses “Hardware-Oriented Security”, “Advanced IT Security”, and “Security of Computer and Embedded Systems” may, in general, be relevant.
Performance record
90-minute written exam in English
Internet of Things, security
• Russel & Van Duren: “Practical Internet of Things Security”, 2nd edition, Packt Publishing, 2019.
• Gilchrist: “IoT Security Issues”, De Gruyter, 2017.
30 Std. Präsenz + 60 Std. Nachbereitung der Vorlesung und Prüfungsvorbereitung
30 contact hours + 60 hours independent study and exam preparation
ECTS points

Fields of study

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Module assignments


The following topics are covered:
• Basic concepts (definition of the Internet of Things (IoT), examination of the different segments of the IoT and their diversity, applications of the IoT, the need for (lightweight) security in the IoT)
• Requirements, specifications, threat modelling, attack surface analysis for the IoT
• The ENISA reports regarding good practices for security of the IoT
• The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the concept of IoT 2.0

• Introduction of security in the IoT in the design phase
• Lightweight security primitives: Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), True Random-Number Generators (TRNGs), Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs), and other solutions
• Lightweight cryptography for the IoT: Standards and proposed solutions
• Authentication protocols in the context of the IoT
• Attestation of IoT devices in the field
• Advanced security solutions for the IoT utilizing the blockchain, machine learning, post-CMOS technologies and/or advanced artificial intelligence (Security for the IoT 2.0 concept)

• Secure sensor data aggregation in the context of the IoT: Issues and potential solutions
• Sensor measurements with the STM B-L475E-IOT01A board
• Security in the framework of the STM B-L475E-IOT01A board
• Exploring a comprehensive security solution for the STM B-L475E-IOT01A board in the framework of a network forming a small segment of the IoT