Lecture: 5881V Privacy Enhancing Techniques (WS 18/19)

Lecture: 5881V Privacy Enhancing Techniques - Forum

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Topic Postings last answer

Zero-Knowledge Proof from Anonymous on 10.02.2019, 19:51
Hi, Can someone help me with the 'Ali baba' cave example that was discussed during the 'Zero-Knowled...
4 from Denis Arnst
on 10.02.2019, 20:56

Optional Topic from Muhammad Hassan on 10.02.2019, 12:37
Hi, can anyone tell me which topic is optional either Intro or differential privacy? Thanks
6 from Fabian Kügler
on 10.02.2019, 14:27

Slides Required from Muhammad Hassan on 09.11.2018, 16:02
Dear Prof.  Please upload the lecture slides.  Thanks
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