Universität Passau
Thema Termine
Prof. Dr. Anna-Lisa Müller: Migration und Nachhaltigkeit

Der Vortrag diskutiert die Frage, was Migration ist und auf welche Weise sie mit Nachhaltigkeit verbunden ist. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Fragen, wie Migration von welchen Akteur:innen und in welchen Kontexten bewertet wird und welche Beziehung zwischen Migration und Entwicklung besteht. Dafür werden unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf Migration vorgestellt und räumliche ebenso wie historische Kontinuitäten und Veränderungen aufgezeigt. Anhand von Fallbeispielen werden die globalen Verflechtungen, die durch Migrationsbewegungen entstehen, ebenso in den Blick genommen wie ihre lokalen Auswirkungen.
Im Anschluss an den Vortrag besteht die Möglichkeit für Fragen und Austausch.

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Dr. Stefanie Wehner& Dr. Christian Ungruhe: Migration and Environmental Change in West Africa
Africa has always been "on the move" and millions of people are already living outside their region of origin, and the trend is rising. According to studies, "climate migration" is a strong driver of this trend. What is certain is that climate change will further exacerbate the precarious living conditions in many places and encourage migration. However, the relationship between climate and migration is more complex than the alarmist talk of "climate flight" suggests.
In this lecture, we will present preliminary results from the BMBF-project "Migration and Translocality in West-Africa. After a short introduction on climate change patterns and migration, we showcase the complexity of the issue on the case-study on feminisation of migration in northern Ghana.
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ENTFÄLLT: Dr. Festus Boamah: Critical Perspectives on Energy Justice Scholarship
Wegen Engpässen/Störungen im überregionalen verkehr muss die Veranstaltung leider entfallen.

The fact that energy justice (EJ) itself is ‘riddled’ with epistemic, environmental, social, and spatial injustices or its affordances becoming dependent on ethicsoriented brandings (including emancipatory labels) suggest environmental justice dilemmas have come full circle and epistemologies of EJ notoriously fickle. Furthermore, recent emancipatory contributions to energy justice scholarship seem to embrace everything about justice conceptions and related philosophicalnormative-evaluative schema without putting everything in its context. Since the ‘deprived’ and ‘affluent’ have different commitments toward the future and good life, EJ endeavours neither guarantee uniformly desirable outcomes in non-Western settings nor can they operate deterministically across space and time. These dilemmas warrant rethinking EJ from comparative empirical, methodological, theoretical, and epistemological perspectives. I draw on African case studies to expose ‘blind spots’ in EJ scholarship and aspirations needing academic attention.
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Véronique Coiffet und Projektteilnehmende: Vision Dindefelo: studentische Lebensrealitäten im Senegal. Von Dindefalo nach Dakar und zurück?
Das Sprachenzentrum kooperiert seit 2018 mit VISION Dindefelo, einem deutsch-senegalesischen Hochschulstipendienprogramm mit besonderen Elementen aus dem Service-Learning. Passauer Studierende mit französischer Sprachkompetenz stehen in regelmäßigem Kontakt mit senegalesischen Studierenden aus ländlich geprägten Gemeinden im Südostsenegal, und arbeiten zudem am Projektmanagement des Stipendienprogramms.
Im September 2023 fand erstmals eine Exkursion des Sprachenzentrums statt. Durch die persönliche Begegnung mit der 80-köpfigen Stipendiat*innengruppe konnten die Teilnehmenden die Lebensrealität ihrer Buddies besser erfassen und möchten anhand von repräsentativen Beispielen die innerregionalen Migrationswege einer neuen Generation von Studierenden aus bildungsfernen, ländlich geprägten Familien in Westafrika illustrieren.
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Prof. Dr. Katja Werthmann-Kirscht: „The town is like strong drink”: Anthropological research on rural-urban migration and migrants’ lives in West African cities from the 1950s to the present

African populations have always practiced various forms of short- and long-distance migrations. Rural-urban migration increased since the colonial period when labour migration became an established feature in many regions of sub-Saharan Africa. In West Africa, moving from the Sahel and Savanna regions to cities has become part of many peoples’ lives. Anthropologists have observed that moving to the city does not mean leaving the countryside for good, and that migration means different things for men and women. This talk will present some examples from the colonial period to the present time.

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Ednah Kobinah: Education & Sustainable Tourism in Bobrama, Ghana
The Discover Brama project aims to transform a rural community called Bobrama located in the southwest coast of Ghana by establishing a tourism academy for the youth (particularly young women) and an affiliated eco-beach resort. This initiative seeks to improve the economic situation of the community, while also emphasizing the importance of environmental sustainability and social inclusivity.    In the presentation, we will highlight the challenges the community faces and the potential of the Discover Brama project to promote community development, women empowerment, and sustainable tourism practices. We will also delve into the challenges that come with the implementation of such a project. Finally, we will provide valuable insights into how education and sustainable tourism can be powerful catalysts for positive change in Bobrama, Ghana. 
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