Blockseminar: 41612 Multilingual Computational Linguistics (WiSe 22/23)

Blockseminar: 41612 Multilingual Computational Linguistics - Details

General information

Course name Blockseminar: 41612 Multilingual Computational Linguistics
Subtitle Theories and Methods
Course number 41612
Semester WiSe 22/23
Current number of participants 9
expected number of participants 20
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Multilinguale Computerlinguistik
Courses type Blockseminar in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
First date Monday, 27.02.2023 09:00 - 17:30 Uhr, Room: (HK 28) SR 103
Type/Form Scientific Exercise
The course is open not only for bachelor and master students but also for doctoral students and other staff of the University of Passau, who are interested in the topic of Multilingual Computational Linguistics.
ECTS points

Rooms and times

(HK 28) SR 103
Monday, 27.02.2023 - Wednesday, 01.03.2023 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday, 02.03.2023 09:00 - 15:30

Fields of study

Module assignments


While the discipline of computational linguistics mostly deals with the modeling and the investigation of individual languages (often "big" languages such as English, German, Arabic, or Chinese), Multilingual Computational Linguistics focuses on the comparison of languages, trying to develop new methods and techniques by which languages can be compared automatically or in a computer-assisted manner. The comparison itself follows different perspectives (maintaining a historical, typological, or areal viewpoint). In this scientific practice course, we will take a closer look at basic theories and methods which are relevant for the discipline of Multilingual Computational Linguistics. We will look at large corpora with multiple languages of the world as well as data from individual languages and language families. If wanted, we can focus on specific language families, which are relevant for the studies of the participants. Thematically, we want to look at the inference of cognates, the detection of borrowings, the reconstruction of phylogenies, and the modeling of semantic change and sound change. If participants are specifically interested in topics that we could additionally cover, they should write a short email before the end of January, to give us time to check if we can include those topics in the course.

Certificates (Leistungsnachweise) can be achieved, but we ask to discuss this individually with Johann-Mattis List, writing an email to (Subject: “Übung Multilinguale Computerlinguistik”), in order to discuss the details.