Universität Passau
46433 Proseminar: PS Kultur (Stelzl): The Eagle Has Landed - Iconic Events in Contemporary Am. Cultural History - **NICHT FÜR EUROPEAN STUDIES** - Details
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Allgemeine Informationen

Untertitel Englisch
Veranstaltungsnummer 46433
Semester WiSe 16/17
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 15
maximale Teilnehmendenanzahl 20
Heimat-Einrichtung Professur für Amerikanistik/Cultural and Media Studies
Veranstaltungstyp Proseminar in der Kategorie Lehre (mit Prüfung)
Erster Termin Di., 18.10.2016 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Ort: (ITZ) SR 002
Art/Form PS Kultur
"Introduction to Cultural Studies: Britain and the USA" (GK Kulturwissenschaft) passed
Es wird dringend empfohlen, die Progression der Kurstypen "Grundkurs->Proseminar->Hauptseminar" einzuhalten, da diese aufeinander aufbauend konzipiert sind.
regular attendance, oral presentation, active in-class participation, term paper (4,000 words)
Selected texts will be made available on Stud.IP.

Recommended Background Reading:
Boyer, Paul S., et al. The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People. Boston: Wadsworth, 2013. Print.
Hebel, Udo J. Einführung in die Amerikanistik/American Studies. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2008. Print.
Henretta, James A., and David Brody. America. A Concise History. Boston: Bedford, 2010. Print.
Hinweise zur Anrechenbarkeit
not for students of European Studies (Major)

Veranstaltungsort / Veranstaltungszeiten

(ITZ) SR 002 Di. 10:00 - 12:00 (14x)



From astronaut Neil Armstrong’s “The Eagle has landed” to Barack Obama’s “Yes we can”, from the Watergate Scandal to the 2016 presidential race, from the Vietnam War to 9/11, from the development of Hip-Hop to the launch of Facebook – the last 50 years of US cultural history feature many iconic events that changed America – and sometimes the entire world. Many of these events have shaped the American character, but have also reflected certain cultural beliefs and constructs (most famously the “American Dream”). Some episodes were even featured in blockbuster movies, bestsellers, chart breakers and other forms of cultural production.

This seminar wants to put a spotlight on some of these events, figure out their cultural background, historical facts as well as their impact on society, and their sometimes manipulative or falsifying reflection in works of cultural production. We will start off at the end of the 1960s and work our way through the rest of the 20th century to finally focus on relatively recent events such as the so-called dawn of the Information Age, the “War on Terror”, and the first black US president.

The aim is to give students a brief – and not solely political – overview of the USA’s contemporary history and crucial beliefs of its civil religion, but also the skill to actively apply this knowledge to present day questions and analyses.


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  • Folgende Personenkreise werden bei der Platzverteilung bevorzugt:

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  • Es wird eine festgelegte Anzahl von Plätzen in den Veranstaltungen verteilt.
    Die Plätze in den betreffenden Veranstaltungen wurden am 04.10.2016 um 10:00 verteilt. Weitere Plätze werden evtl. über Wartelisten zur Verfügung gestellt.
  • Die Anmeldung zu maximal 1 Veranstaltungen des Anmeldesets ist erlaubt.
  • Die Anmeldung ist möglich von 01.09.2016, 08:00 bis 29.09.2016, 08:00.