Seminar: 38617 Advanced Academic Writing in Management and Organizational Theory - Details

Seminar: 38617 Advanced Academic Writing in Management and Organizational Theory - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 38617 Advanced Academic Writing in Management and Organizational Theory
Course number 38617
Semester WiSe 22/23
Current number of participants 7
expected number of participants 16
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship
participating institutes Graduiertenzentrum
Courses type Seminar in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
First date Monday, 13.02.2023 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Room: (HK 16) VR 202
The module aims to further develop PhD students’ ability to craft their re-search, especially their theorizing, in an effective, efficient, and personally rewarding way and to use writing as a particularly productive way of im-proving all aspects of their scholarly development.
This English-language PhD-course is highly interactive, with intensive, individual developmental personal/Zoom-feedback. Participants will work on a paper assignment, directly linked to, or part of, their respective research projects. They are required to engage actively in the discussions.

Please send an email, including a motivation letter and CV (including all relevant grades), to as soon as possible, but latest by January 10th 2023, if you plan to attend. Prof. König will then send participants the Zoom-Links and a short preparation exercise. Only up to 16 participants.
Performance record
Participation during the seminar (50%); editorial work during the seminar (25%); individual improvement of a paper during the seminar (25%); course in English language
Hinweise zur Anrechenbarkeit
Erwerb eines Scheins je nach Promotionsordnung.
The course will be held in English.

Rooms and times

(HK 16) VR 202
Monday, 13.02.2023 - Wednesday, 15.02.2023 09:00 - 18:00


Some of the most influential works in our field have been conceptual – i.e., “theory-only” – studies, published for instance in the Academy of Management Review (AMR). Designing and carving out conceptual papers is also one of the most fundamental and enriching elements of scholarly work in the social sciences. However, conceptual papers are different in design from empirical studies, they have other, challenging, objectives, structures, and quality criteria. As such, some perceive the pursuit of conceptual work as “risky.” In fact, mentors and committees sometimes advise emerging scholars to avoid purely conceptual work or at least to wait with submissions to journals such as AMR until later phases of their careers.

This seminar-workshop series aims to raise excitement for conceptual scholarly work, to provide participants with a set of essential tools for significant conceptual contributions to management and organization research, and to develop participants’ ideas for a conceptual study into a paper draft. The module is inherently also interesting for anyone interested in improving their theoretical work within empirical studies. In particular, we address four questions or challenges:

• What provides a significant conceptual contribution in our fields of research? Which types of contributions exist and how do they differ?
• How do we identify and develop interesting and significant conceptual insights to management theory?
• How do we write up conceptual work in a way that appeals to international audiences in highly regarded outlets such as Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, and Strategic Management Journal?
• What are the unique challenges in presenting conceptual research at scholarly conferences such that it attracts the attention of potential collaborators and journal editors?

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung mit Passwort: Advanced Academic Writing in Management and Organizational Theory".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Password required.

Registration mode

The enrolment is binding, participants cannot unsubscribe themselves.