Seminar: 38617 Advanced Academic Writing in Management and Organizational Theory - Details

Seminar: 38617 Advanced Academic Writing in Management and Organizational Theory - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 38617 Advanced Academic Writing in Management and Organizational Theory
Course number 38617
Semester WiSe 24/25
Current number of participants 6
expected number of participants 16
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship
participating institutes Graduiertenzentrum
Courses type Seminar in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
Next date Wednesday, 12.02.2025 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Room: (HK 14b) SR 101
The module aims to further develop PhD students’ ability to craft their re-search in an effective, efficient, and personally rewarding way and to use writing as a particularly productive way of improving all aspects of their scholarly development.
This English-language doctoral course is highly interactive, with intensive, individual developmental personal/Zoom-feedback. Participants will work on a paper assignment, directly linked to, or part of, their respective research projects. They are required to engage actively in the discussions.

Please send an email, including motivation letter and CV (including all rele-vant grades), to as soon as possible, but latest by December 10th 2024, if you plan to attend. Prof. König will then send participants the Zoom-Links and extensive preparation exercises. Only up to 16 participants.
Performance record
Reading; lecture; interactive exercises; application to own papers. Evalua-tion: preparation of materials and participation during the seminar (50%); editorial work during the seminar (25%); individual improvement of a paper during the seminar (25%); course in English language
Hinweise zur Anrechenbarkeit
Erwerb eines Scheins als Doktorand, je nach Promotionsordnung.
The course will be held in English.

Rooms and times

(HK 14b) SR 101
Wednesday, 12.02.2025 - Friday, 14.02.2025 09:00 - 18:00


This seminar seeks to help doctoral students to improve on one of the most fundamental and enriching skills in our research community: writing. Writing is particularly important for introducing and framing our research, for devel-oping nomothetic hypotheses and process theories, for developing compel-ling narratives in qualitative studies, for describing our methods in an acces-sible way, and for discussing our findings in order to carve out our contribu-tions. Writing is also one of the most enriching elements of scholarly work, because writing is not just documentation or a way of exchanging ideas, but we develop our thoughts IN writing, we connect to our peers in writing, and one of the best experiences in our work is reading a well-written scholarly manuscript.

However, scholarly writing is also highly challenging, and poor writing plays a big role when papers get rejected. Therefore, this seminar aims to provide participants with a set of essential tools for scholarly writing, particularly in management and organization research. We address the following questions or challenges:

1. What constitutes a scholarly contribution in our field—and why is writing essential to making a scholarly contribution?
2. How do we introduce and frame our research to make it interesting to readers?
3. How do we develop and present a consistent logic in order to write with theoretical rigor and parsimoniously?
4. What is “powerful” style and structure—and what are the particular challenges of writing powerfully, especially (but not only) for non-native English speakers?
5. How do we write persuasive responses to reviewers?
6. How can we use AI to become better writers?

This seminar-workshop series is designed to stimulate interest in scholarly writing and to provide participants with a set of essential tools for making significant contributions to management and organization research. During the workshop, participants will apply their insights “on the spot” to improve their own work.