Seminar: 34670 Doktoral Seminar - Details

Seminar: 34670 Doktoral Seminar - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 34670 Doktoral Seminar
Subtitle Publishing in international Journals
Course number 34670
Semester WiSe 23/24
Current number of participants 7
expected number of participants 15
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Marketing und Innovation
Courses type Seminar in category Lehre (ohne Prüfung)
First date Friday, 20.10.2023 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr, Room: (WIWI) SR 027
Matriculation as a doctoral student at the University of Passau
Learning organisation
• Interactive face-to-face teaching
• Literature work
• Presentations
Performance record
Intensive written preparation and preparation of appointments as well as oral participation, preparation and presentation of presentations.

There will be no grading.

Acquisition of a certificate as a doctoral student, depending on the doctoral regulations.
Huff, A.S. (1999). Writing for Scolarly Publication. Sage: Thousand Oaks.

Huff, A.S. (2008). Designing Ressearch for Publication. Sage: Thousand Oaks.

Further sources will be made available at the beginning of the seminar.
Hinweise zur Anrechenbarkeit
Acquisition of a certificate as a doctoral student, depending on the doctoral regulations.
Upon completion of the module, the participants should be able to recognize the requirements of editors and reviewers for the positioning and the scientific contribution of research work and to apply this knowledge to their own research work.
The language of instruction is English.

Rooms and times

(WIWI) SR 027
Friday, 20.10.2023 09:00 - 16:00
No room preference
Friday, 15.12.2023 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr
(HK 16) SR 005
Friday, 19.01.2024, Friday, 16.02.2024 09:00 - 16:00


In this course, the requirements for successful publishing in leading international journals will be critically reflected and applied to one's own research. Based on general success factors, the different requirements and orientations of the leading (marketing) journals are to be identified and described using the self-descriptions of the journals, statements by the editors and typical articles. In a next step, these insights are to be applied to one's own research work. In a final step, a typical review process will be presented and worked out together as part of the seminar.