Seminar: 39744 Heuristic Solutions of Vehicle Routing Problems - Details

Seminar: 39744 Heuristic Solutions of Vehicle Routing Problems - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 39744 Heuristic Solutions of Vehicle Routing Problems
Subtitle Lehrender: Prof. Dr. Daniele Vigo (Universität Bologna)
Course number 39744
Semester WiSe 23/24
Current number of participants 0
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Management Science / Operations and Supply Chain Management
Courses type Seminar in category Lehre (ohne Prüfung)
First date Monday, 26.02.2024 08:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Room: (HK 12) R 104
Type/Form Doctoral course
Doctoral students
Profound basic knowledge of mathematical optimization, programming skills
Learning organisation
- Intensive block course on 26.02.2024 (Room: ) and on 27.02.2024 (Room: ) from 9:00 to 18:00.
- Possible homework assignments, reading lists.
Performance record
Portfolio examination based on in-depth in-class discussions. A certificate of attendance will be granted upon successful completion of the course.
once in 2024
Doctoral students who have successfully participated in this course will be able to
• Identify appropriate quantitative methods to solve vehicle routing problems.
• Explain state-of-the-art approaches to solve vehicle routing problems, their strengths and
• Identify promising open research questions and directions for future research.
Calculation basis: 15 weeks in a semester, including an examination week; each SWS corresponds to 60 minutes.

Rooms and times

(HK 12) R 104
Monday, 26.02.2024 - Tuesday, 27.02.2024 08:00 - 18:00


Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs) belong to the core topics in Operations Research. Indeed, the application of VRP optimization algorithms allows businesses to streamline their fleet operations, leading to reduced transportation costs, improved delivery schedules, and increased overall operational efficiency. By minimizing route distances and optimizing vehicle utilization, organizations can achieve a competitive edge in the market, ensuring timely and cost-effective product deliveries. The societal implications of VRP optimization are also substantial, particularly in the context of urban transportation and public services.
In this course, we start with a quick overview of classical methods for VRP and discuss modern metaheuristic approaches. Afterwards, we examine selected cutting-edge optimization algorithms for VRP in-depth, including their performance and a critical assessment of their building blocks. We conclude with a review of selected applications of VRP, such as the waste collection.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Admission with password protection.: Heuristic Solutions of Vehicle Routing Problems".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Password required.