Universität Passau
32420 Lecture: Growth and Development - VDW-Tagungsveranstaltung, Themencluster Wirtschaft und Ethik - Details
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General information

Subtitle Englisch
Course number 32420
Semester SoSe 20
Current number of participants 183
expected number of participants 150
Home institute Lehrstuhl f. Development Economics
Courses type Lecture in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
First date Tue., 21.04.2020 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
This course is for students with an interest in economic growth, international development and inequality as well as development policy. It combines economic theory, empirical methods and policy debates.

BA BAE, BA WINF, BA Governance, BA Kuwi (bitte vorher selber mit Prüfungssekretariat abklären, ob regulär oder mit Schein)
An understanding of intermediate macro-economics and basic quantitative-statistical analysis is recommended.
Learning organization
Lecture, class room discussions, tutorials (Übungen).
Performance record
Klausur (90 Minuten)
see Course Book
• To provide participants with the theoretical foundations of various approaches to economic growth.
• To equip participants with the basic techniques and concepts to analyse statistically growth and to test al-ternative theories.
• To allow participants to grasp the core implications of one theory versus another and to derive from that the contrasting policy implications.
• To get an overview over some of the main debates in development.
Präsenzzeit (in Std.):
Lecture: 30
Tutorial: 28
Preparation final exam: 2

Eigenarbeitszeit (in Std.):
Lecture: 40
Tutorial: 32
Preparation final exam: 18
ECTS points

Course location / Course dates

n.a Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly(13x)

Fields of study

This information on acceptance for credit of modules for individual degree programmes is not binding; please check the module catalogue at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics to confirm that this module can be counted towards your degree.


Whereas for a long time Europe and its off-shots dominated worldwide economic growth, more recently East Asia, followed by South-East Asia, China, India and Brazil, among others, have experienced the highest rates of economic growth. However other parts of the world still lag behind or show at least not more than modest signs of growth. This lecture will reflect on the history of long run growth, discuss alternative theories that try to provide explanations for the contrasting dynamics and examine empirical research testing the validity of the various approaches. The resulting policy implications are debated in depth. Particular topics that are discussed in this context are the role of geography versus institutions, the relevance of poverty traps, the role of trade openness as well as the effectiveness of development aid.