Support - Frequently asked questions

Support - Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

I cannot log in. What can I do?

If you cannot log onto Stud.IP, possible reasons are the following:

1. Are you using the right login page?
When you are at the login page choose To the login. You will get forwarded to another page where you have to enter your ZIM-identifier.

2. Expired password
If your password expired you will get a few courtesy login chances during a short period of time. If you login during this time, the system will send you a warning message, reminding you to update your password. You can do this without sending a request to the support, simply by using this form.

If your password already expired and you used all your courtesy logins, the following message will appear: "Dieser Username existiert nicht", which means the system can't find your profile. In this case you may direct yourself to the support and they will provide you with one more login. You can contact the support via phone or e-mail.

If you registered your mobile phone number in HisQis previously, you can get a new password with our SMS-Reset .

3. Incorrect password or incorrect ZIM-Identifier
The system will show you a red error message if you tried to log onto Stud.IP by using an incorrect password or username.

If you entered an incorrect password or ZIM-Identifier, try to enter your data again while paying attention to the correct spelling of your identifier. If the data is repeatedly entered incorrectly, your account will be blocked for several minutes due to safety reasons. You can try again later.

If the login is still not working you may direct yourself to the support.

I wasn't admitted to the course I wanted - what can I do?

Some courses are not open to everybody. They have a certain capacity and the places are therefore distributed through an admission procedure.

If you are having trouble selecting your prioritized courses or are having other technical difficulties, don't hesitate to contact the support.

If you need to participate in the course by all means and you were not drawn by lot, please contact the respective lecturer of that course.

How can I create a new course in Stud.IP?

To be allowed to create a new course in Stud.IP, you need to be equipped with "Dozierendenrechte" and be assigned to at least one i.e. chair, institution etc.

Fellow colleagues are able to provide you with the necessary lecturer rights, selecting Tools > Dozentenrechte > Neuer Antrag. Your colleague needs to be assigned to the same chair, institution etc. as you.

You can find further information regarding Dozierendenrechte (german) and a step-by-step manual to create new courses (german) here.

How can I delete a course in Stud.IP?

Please notice, that we make an effort to provide access to all past courses for our students, during the course of their studies at our university.
Therefore courses are only to be deleted under certain circumstances. You are not able to delete courses directly in Stud.IP.

If you created a course by mistake, please go to the administration of the course > basic details > and add the word "Löschen" after the name of the course.

If you created a course in the wrong semester, you are able to move the course to another semester as long as there is no binding room booking connected to your course. You can make the necessary changes in the administration of the course > times & rooms.

Following this, inform the room planning office via e-mail or phone about the course you wish to have deleted.