Universität Passau
5766S Seminar: Masterseminar Security Engineering - Details
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General information

Course number 5766S
Semester SoSe 22
Current number of participants 10
expected number of participants 16
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Technische Informatik
participating institutes Lehrstuhl Algorithmen für Intelligente Systeme
Courses type Seminar in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
Type/Form Online
Verpflichtend: keine

• Erfahrung und potenzielle Qualifikationen in Bezug auf Hardware, Sicherheit, technische Informatik, Gerätetechnologie und andere relevante Themen
• Erfahrung im Schreiben wissenschaftlicher Dokumente
• Kenntnisse in LaTeX
Richtet sich nach den variierenden konkret vergebenen Themen. / Depends on the varying topics being assigned.
Aufgrund erwartungsgemäß hoher Anmeldezahlen, ist die Teilnahme begrenzt. Wir bitten daher um eine vorläufige Anmeldung bis zum 15.04.2022 unter der E-Mail-Adresse anagno02@ads.uni-passau.de. Verwenden Sie dabei das Thema [Masterseminar SecEng SoSe 2022] in Ihrem Betreff. Die Teilnehmer werden anhand folgender Kriterien ausgewählt:

• Interesse an diesem Kurs und Ihre Motivation
• Erfahrung und potenzielle Qualifikationen in Bezug auf Hardware, Sicherheit, technische Informationstechnologie, Gerätetechnologie und andere relevante Themen
• Aktuelles Studiensemester
• Notendurchschnitt
• Erfahrung im Schreiben wissenschaftlicher Dokumente (allgemein bekannt als "Papiere", (technische) Berichte usw.)
• Aktuelle Kenntnisse in LaTeX

Due to the expected high number of registrations, participation is limited. We therefore request that you register by April 15, 2022 at the email address anagno02@ads.uni-passau.de. Use the topic [Master's Seminar SecEng SoSe 2022] in your subject. Participants will be selected based on the following criteria:

• Interest in this course and your motivation
• Experience and potential qualifications related to hardware, security, technical computer science, device engineering, as well as any other relevant topics
• Current semester of studies
• Grade point average
• Experience in writing scientific documents (commonly known as "papers", (technical) reports, etc.)
• Current skills in LaTeX
ECTS points

Course location / Course dates


Fields of study

This information on acceptance for credit of modules for individual degree programmes is not binding; please check the module catalogue at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics to confirm that this module can be counted towards your degree.


Erstellung und Überprüfung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten zum Thema Security Engineering

Registration mode

After enrolment, participants will manually be selected.

Dear students,

as our group has a rather limited number of members, we can unfortunately only supervise a limited number of students in this seminar. In particular, we can only accept 14-16 students in this course this semester.

Therefore, in case you are interested in this course, you need to send an email to anagno02@ads.uni-passau.de until 15.04.2022, expressing your interest in this course and stating your motivation, experience and potential qualifications regarding hardware, security, technical computer science, device engineering, as well as any other relevant topics. Additionally, you will also need to state the current semester of your studies, your grade average, your experience in writing scientific documents (commonly known as "papers", (technical) reports etc.), and your current skills in LaTeX.

The topic of your emails should be "Masterseminar SecEng SoSe 2022".

Best regards,
