Workshop: 38619 Design Sprint for Digital Innovation - Details

Workshop: 38619 Design Sprint for Digital Innovation - Details

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General information

Course name Workshop: 38619 Design Sprint for Digital Innovation
Course number 38619
Semester WiSe 24/25
Current number of participants 12
expected number of participants 20
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship
Courses type Workshop in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
First date Friday, 18.10.2024 08:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Room: (LU 8) SR 008
Bachelorstudents of the following courses:
• Bachelor Business Administration and Economics (BWL/VWL) (Version WS 2014) (Hauptfach) > Schwerpunkt MIM
• Bachelor Business Administration and Economics (BWL/VWL) (Version WS 2023) (Hauptfach) > Modulgruppe MIM > Containermodul “Vertiefung in Innovation”
• Bachelor Digital Transformation in Business and Society (Version WS 2020) (Hauptfach) > Modulbereich B: Hauptfach "Major" > Modulgruppe Management > zusätzliches Wahlpflichtmodul gemäß § 4, Absatz 7
• Bachelor Digital Transformation in Business and Society (Version WS 2023) (Hauptfach) > Modulbereich C: Nebenfach „Minor“ > Modulgruppe Entrepreneurship -> Containermodul „Vertiefung im Bereich Entrepreneurship“
• Bachelorstudiengang Kulturwirtschaft ( Bachelor International Cultural and Business Studies (Version SS 2020) (Hauptfach) > Modulbereich C: Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Containermodul „Ausgewählte Vertiefungen in Management“
• Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik (Information Systems) (Version WS 2023) (Hauptfach) > Modulgruppe MIM > Containermodule „Vertiefung in Innovation“
• Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik (Information Systems) (Version 2014) (Hauptfach) > Schwerpunkt MIM
Learning organisation
The entire workshop will be run as an agile ‘sprint’, employing a structured, experiential approach with interactive group work throughout. By the end of the workshop participants will be familiar with the practice of agile design sprints. The workshop will also incorporate a systematic perspective on implementing innovation in different organizational contexts.
Performance record
Group assignment (100%)
The elective will be assessed by a group presentation of a prototype value proposition slide deck.
Tom Kelley, Jonathan Littman: Das IDEO Innovationsbuch. Wie Unternehmen auf neue Ideen kommen, Econ, München 2002, ISBN 978-3-430-15317-1 (englisch: The Art of Innovation. Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm).

Tim Brown: Design Thinking, in: Harvard Business Review, Juni 2008, S. 84–92, (

Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel, Ulrich Weinberg: Design-Thinking. Innovation lernen – Ideenwelten öffnen. mi-Wirtschaftsbuch, München 2009, ISBN 978-3-86880-013-5.

Tim Brown, Barry Katz: Change by Design. Wie Design Thinking Organisationen verändert und zu mehr Innovationen führt. Vahlen, München 2016, ISBN 978-3-8006-5258-7 (englisch: Change by Design. How design thinking can transform organizations and inspire innovation).

Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link, Larry Leifer (Hrsg.): Das Design Thinking Playbook. Mit traditionellen, aktuellen und zukünftigen Erfolgsfaktoren. 2. Auflage. Vahlen, München 2018, ISBN 978-3-8006-5637-0 (englisch: The Design Thinking Playbook. Mindful Digital Transformation of Teams, Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems).
At the end of the workshop, participants will:
1. Have hands-on working experience of applying agile sprint techniques to design a digital innovation project.
2. Be able to apply a range of digital business concepts and methodologies to develop and build business propositions.
3. Provide an opportunity to be introduced to basic high-level technology – so as to be able to talk to software developers in a more informed way.
4. Be able to discuss and justify a digital business prototype to a senior audience.
Throughout the workshop, we will be engaging with some of the concepts introduced in the Bachelor program, including design thinking, platform-ecosystem business models, analytics, supply and value chains, servitization, and agile development.
The course is offered as a block course. There will be a final presentation. The course will be held in English.
The Design Sprint for Digital Innovation workshop is a key course within the Management, Innovation und Marketing module of the Bachelor Studies. It is also highly relevant to those intending to work in startups/smaller organisations, as well as larger organisations responding to the emerging digital landscape; to disruptors as well as the disrupted.
Whilst no technology background whatsoever is required for the course, we want this to be a hands-on experience; the intention is to address the growing view in business that senior management should be able to understand and engage with technical teams and agile work which are critical to innovating the enterprise in a digital age.
ECTS points

Rooms and times

(LU 8) SR 008
Friday, 18.10.2024 - Saturday, 19.10.2024 08:00 - 18:00
Friday, 08.11.2024 09:00 - 12:00

Module assignments


The Design Sprint for Digital Innovation workshop is intended to complement, and deepen, some of the ideas and concepts around digital work introduced during the Strategic Management lecture. The workshop will enable students to deploy these on a live project to build out, and present, their digital business ideas. Participants will work together in agile teams, with tutorial support from faculty members, to advance the narrative of digital innovation, business model, and roadmap ideas. They will learn about, and practice, agile working techniques; customer journey mapping; business model canvas, minimum viable product, innovation narratives amongst others. Teams will then develop prototype value propositions as deliverables. They will use a set of actionable frameworks and tools to develop a systematic perspective on implementing innovation in different organizational contexts. The style and content of delivery will be innovative and experiential. We are therefore keen to attract participants who are happy to work in creative and uncertain ‘pilot’ conditions where novel ways of working are nurtured. Being agile in your innovation process is critical in times of crisis.

Registration mode

After enrolment, participants will manually be selected.

Potential participants are given additional information before enroling to the course.

The enrolment is binding, participants cannot unsubscribe themselves.