Info-Veranstaltung zu Auslandspraktika: Bewerbung und Anrechenbarkeit
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Info-Veranstaltung zur Anrechenbarkeit internationaler Praktika und zur Bewerbung um Einzelstipendien
Für Grundschule / Mittelschule |
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Teacher Education Abroad: Infoveranstaltung zu internationalen Praktika in Japan, Ghana, Spanien und Südafrika
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Teacher Education Abroad: Infoveranstaltung zu internationalen Praktika in Japan, Ghana, Spanien und Südafrika
Für alle LA-Studierende
Du studierst Lehramt und hast schon immer mal überlegt, in dem Rahmen ins Ausland zu gehen?
Dann bist du bei dieser Info-Veranstaltung genau richtig
Praktikumsplätze in Spanien, Japan, Südafrika für 4-8 Wochen zu vergeben! Digitale Infoveranstaltung am 29.04.2023 - 18 Uhr |
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Global Classrooms - educational journeys: GHANA
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Prince Asiedu is currently a Masters programme student at the University of Passau. He will talk about his educational journey from rural Ghana to Germany. Join us for an interesting evening!
The project “Global Classrooms: educational journeys - share your story” is aimed at all
teacher education students and all others, who would like to learn about global educational systems from a personal perspective and at the same time practise their English language skills.
Passau University students, who completed their school education abroad, tell us about
their “educational journeys” which brought them to Passau. They share recent first-hand knowledge about the country they grew up in, the school system they experienced, as well as personal stories and perspectives.
The peer-to-peer format is delivered in country specific presentations and Q&A sessions. |
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Virtuelles World Café
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Virtuelles World Café - Informationen zu Auslandspraktika, -semester und zu internationalen Exkursionen auf Peer-to-Peer-Ebene |
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Global Classrooms - educational journeys JAPAN - tba
Global Classrooms - educational journeys: SPANIEN tba
Gastvortrag: Professionalization of Teacher Education in Ghana: Beyond Content, Context and Theory
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Professionalization of Teacher Education in Ghana: Beyond Content, Context and Theory
- Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Dandy George Dampson (University of Winneba/ Ghana)
in englischer Sprache
Teacher education and schooling in Ghana started when western education was introduced in the form of ‘Castle schools’ by the Portuguese, the first Europeans to visit Ghana in 1471. At the initial stages of educational development, teaching in the schools in Ghana, as in other parts of West Africa, was modelled on the well-known monitorial systems of Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell (Hilliard 1957) which were popular in Britain and Canada at the beginning of the 19th century. In this system, the scarcity of trained teachers was somewhat short-circuited. Since then, teacher education and schooling in Ghana has gone through various reforms which mostly aimed to restructure the education system inherited from the British. This presentation contributes to the ongoing dialogue, implementation and understanding of the evolution of teacher education in Ghana and the impact of educational reforms on curricula, teaching and training which is geared towards teacher professionalization in Ghana. Participants will be exposed to some of the tenets of teacher professionalization such as the National Teacher Standards, Support Teaching in Schools, Teacher Licensure, Teaching Standards and Teacher Specialization.
Keywords: Teacher Education, National Teacher Standards, Support Teaching in Schools, Teacher Licensure, Teaching Standards, Teacher Specialization
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Gastvortrag: A national curriculum for many dispirit contexts? Dr. Zelda Barends (Stellenbosch University), Prof. Dr. Chris Reddy (Stellenbosch University)
International Day - date tba
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Info-Slot für Lehramtsstudierende am International Day der Universität Passau
Über das Akademische Auslandsamt |
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Lust auf CHINA? Alumni Vortrag: Zhejiang International Studies University, Hangzhou, China
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Wann? - Montag, 22. 4. 2024, 18 Uhr
Wo? - ZOOM
Anna Heiden, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Uni Kassel und global.trex Alumna, wird von Ihrer Studien- und Praktikumszeit in China berichten.
Frau Heiden studierte von Oktober 2016 bis Juni 2021 Grundschullehramt an der Uni Passau. Sie absolvierte zunächst vom Januar bis Juni 2019 ein Praktikum an der German European School Singapore. Danach - von September 2019 bis Januar 2020 - verbrachte sie ein Auslandssemester an der global.trex Partneruniversität ZISU (Zhejiang International Studies University) in Hangzhou. Seit Oktober 2022 ist Frau Heiden am Institut für Germanistik an der Universität Kassel beschäftigt, wo sie im Bereich Sprachdidaktik promoviert.
Wir freuen uns auf einen spannenden Vortrag und laden Sie sehr herzlich dazu ein!
Topic: Alumni Vortrag China
Time: Apr 22, 2024 06:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 667 3925 2016
Passcode: U7H(m0&2 |
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No materials for this topic |