Advanced seminar: 41217 a HYBRID-Seminar: GSP 2.3 Zentrale Fragestellungen und Methoden der Grundschulforschung - Details

Advanced seminar: 41217 a HYBRID-Seminar: GSP 2.3 Zentrale Fragestellungen und Methoden der Grundschulforschung - Details

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General information

Course name Advanced seminar: 41217 a HYBRID-Seminar: GSP 2.3 Zentrale Fragestellungen und Methoden der Grundschulforschung
Course number 41217 a
Semester SoSe 22
Current number of participants 30
maximum number of participants 30
Entries on waiting list 1
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Erziehungswissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Diversitätsforschung und Bildungsräume in der mittleren Kindheit
Courses type Advanced seminar in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
First date Thursday, 05.05.2022 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
ECTS points

Rooms and times

(WIWI) SR 034
Thursday: 14:00 - 18:00, fortnightly (4x)
Thursday, 12.05.2022, Thursday, 09.06.2022 14:00 - 18:00
Thursday, 21.07.2022 14:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 18:00, fortnightly (1x)
No room preference
Thursday, 05.05.2022 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "SOSE 2022: Vertiefungsmodul 2: GSP 2.3".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats will be assigned in order of enrolment.
  • The enrolment is possible from 06.02.2022, 08:00 to 10.04.2022, 18:00.
  • The following categories of people are preferred during seat allocation:
    • Semester of study at least 5 (5921 persons)
  • This setting is active from 06.02.2022 08:00 to 10.04.2022 18:00.
    Enrolment is allowed for up to 1 courses of the admission set.
Assignment of courses: