Lecture: 32430 Evaluation of Development Policies - Details

Lecture: 32430 Evaluation of Development Policies - Details

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General information

Course name Lecture: 32430 Evaluation of Development Policies
Subtitle englisch
Course number 32430
Semester SoSe 22
Current number of participants 50
expected number of participants 60
Home institute Lehrstuhl für Development Economics
participating institutes Graduiertenzentrum
Courses type Lecture in category Lehre (mit Prüfung)
First date Monday, 25.04.2022 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr, Room: (WIWI) HS 6
Type/Form Zoom/Videos
Upon completion of the course students
• are able to select an adequate evaluation tool for a given policy or project.
• are able to construct the theory of change associated with a policy or project
• are able to implement the data analysis implied by the various evaluation methods using the Stata software package.
• are able to critically assess the quality of impact evaluations.
• are able to derive policy recommendations from impact evaluations.
Basic knowledge in Econometrics is required. Prior knowledge in development economics/development studies is an advantage
Learning organisation
Lecture with interactive elements, hands-on exercises in the computer lab.

The course starts with 2 lectures per week, lectures ending presumably in the last week of June. The accompanying exercises are held until the end of the semester.
Performance record
Course work to be submitted (100%). The course work consists of a small evaluation problem that needs to be carried out using a data set and the Stata software package. A corresponding research note explaining the evaluation problem, the used evaluation approach, the main results and a policy relevant conclusion needs to be submitted. The problem is handed out 1 July. The finalized research note has to be submitted by 15 September.
  • A course book with detailed information about the course.
  • Lecture notes.


(see the course book for more details)
Hinweise zur Anrechenbarkeit
Part of the „Schwerpunkt” Statistische und Theoretische Grundlagen within the Master in International Economics and Business. Module can also be elected by students of the following Master programs: Development Studies, Business Administration (BWL), Wirtschaftsinformatik (ab WS 2012/2013), International Economics and Business, Graduiertenstudium, Governance and Public Policy, International Cultural and Business Studies
Upon completion of the course students
• Are able to select an adequate evaluation tool for a given policy or project.
• Are able to construct the theory of change associated with a policy or project
• Are able to implement the data analysis implied by the various evaluation methods using the Stata soft-ware package.
• Are able to critically assess the quality of impact evaluations.
• Are able to derive policy recommendations from im-pact evaluations.
Präsenzzeit (in Std.):
Lecture: 28
Tutorial: 28

Eigenarbeitszeit (in Std.):
Lecture: 40
Tutorial: 14
Course work: 40
One guest-lecture (details to be announced)
ECTS points

Rooms and times

Monday: 14:00 - 16:00, weekly (8x)
Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (8x)

Fields of study


Slow economic growth in many parts of the world has led to development aid pessimism. While some believe aid in general does not work and argue that development cannot be planned others think that in fact aid was simply not significant enough to be successful. Hence the former argue in favour of smaller steps and to build on what works, while the latter ask for a substantial increase of aid. This debate has raised the interest in and need of rigorous policy and project evaluations which can in a credible way establish a link between cause and effect. This course introduces students to the concept and various methods of impact evaluations. All methods are presented using real world examples. Hence policies and projects are discussed in conjunction with the methods that can be used to evaluate them. Examples include for example conditional cash transfer programs, an electrification program, the implementation of health insurance and active labour market policies.

The methods that are discussed in this course are similar to those used in OECD countries to evaluate active labour market policies and social security reforms. Hence, the course is not only of interest for students with a special interest in development, but for all students that aim to get experience in policy evaluation more generally.

The course is accompanied by a tutorial in which students acquire hands-on experience on how to assess impacts using real data and an econometric software package, STATA. The first few lessons help students to get acquainted with STATA, the leading statistical software package in economics and other social sciences.